Monday, July 6, 2009

Back from Sudan

I arrived safely back yesterday. Thanks to all of you who kept Suzy and me in your prayers while I was gone. My time in Sudan had a profound impact on me. Never have I been a witness to such poverty and lack of infrastructure. Yet, there are so many southern Sudanese people who are embracing this time of peace and who are hopeful about the future and working hard for change. But make no mistake, change here will come about very slowly and there will be many roadblocks along the way.

More than anything else, this trip confirmed God’s call for this season of my life to work with the southern Sudanese people and to share the love of Christ with them. From the research I have done and now from the things I have seen with my own eyes, it is even more evident to me that true and lasting change will only happen here as the people experience the love of Christ and apply it to their daily lives.

Thanks again for your prayers, and please continue to pray for a powerful movement of God to take place among the people of south Sudan.

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