Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dear Friends, September 23, 2009

The big news is that we have set a date for our move to Uganda! We will be leaving Houston on the afternoon of November 3. We had our Aid Sudan retreat last week, and it was an intense time of prayer and team-bonding. As the retreat drew to a close, God really challenged me to step out in faith and to set our departure for early November.

Although we are not fully funded yet, (we currently have 2/3 of our monthly commitments) we believe that God will provide the additional funds that we need between now and the time we leave or shortly thereafter. Because He has so clearly called us to do this, we trust in His timing and in His provision. If you have committed to or feel led to support us financially, please do not wait any longer! Please click the link below to set up your contribution:

As you scroll down the page you will see my name and a box next to it where you can enter the amount of your contribution. You can also tell the website when you want your contribution to begin, so if you need to wait until after the first of the year, just indicate that as you go through the steps. You can also mail a donation to: Aid Sudan, PO Box 770693, Houston, TX, 77215-0693. Please reference “Bob and Suzy Livingston” on your check.

I’m also pleased to share that Suzy will be going with an Aid Sudan team into southern Sudan about a week after we arrive in Kampala. I am so excited for her to have this opportunity to see firsthand the incredible needs that exist in Sudan and also the incredible hope that God is bringing to the people there through the ministries of Aid Sudan. Suzy will be going to the village of Kulu for a little over a week, and she and the other team members will be focused on evangelism using Chronological Bible Storying. They will tell from memory eight stories that summarize the entire Bible from Genesis through the resurrection of Christ. Click below if you’d like to hear the stories:

So here are some key dates for us and some things that you can be praying for in the next several weeks:

Oct. 19 – 27- We will head back to South Carolina and spend a week or so there.
Nov. 3- We board the plane for Kampala arriving the evening of Nov. 4.
Nov. 10 – 19- Suzy travels to Kulu, Sudan.
Nov. 24- Kerry Henderson, our Uganda director, and his family return to the States for a 3-month furlough. We will be staying in their home, and by God’s grace we hope to be able to hold things together until they return to Kampala in February!
Feb. 2010- We will move into our own home in Kampala provided that our funding has all come in. Otherwise we will return to the States to raise additional support.

Please pray for us as we pack and organize our things over these next several weeks. Also pray that as God challenges people to support our ministry that they will be obedient to what He has called them to do. Pray for Suzy and for the team traveling to Kulu that God will prepare them well for their trip and help them to learn each of the Bible stories well. And finally, pray for our families as we leave them behind that God will comfort and strengthen them.

Thanks so much to all of you who have prayed for us and given to our ministry over the last several months. You are such a blessing to us! None of this would be possible without your incredible faithfulness, generosity, and obedience!

I’ll send out another update in a couple of weeks. Until then, may God richly bless each of you!

Bob, Suzy, Elise, Brody, and Milenia

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