Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Trip to Gulu

At the end of January, Suzy, Kerry & Neltia Henderson, and I traveled up to Gulu, Uganda, to check out the area for possible future work. For East African standards, Gulu is a fairly large town located in northern Uganda. It lies about 60 miles south of the South Sudan border. The Acholi tribe inhabits this area. They are culturally and linguistically similar to the Dinka, Nuer, and Luo tribes of South Sudan. We wanted to survey the area to see if it might be an ideal place for Aid Sudan to re-launch the Philip Project. This project seeks to equip and mobilize Ugandans to go into South Sudan as missionaries. It was a great trip, and God showed us great favor throughout. We were able to meet with several people already working in the area, and we learned a great deal from each of them. We also got to see a couple of really unique and interesting ministries in Gulu. One was of great interest to Suzy. There are several women who are handicapped or HIV positive who make jewelry. Suzy got to shop in the store that sells their things. We also met an American couple who runs a school in a village outside of Gulu. It’s amazing to see the work they are doing and how they are trying to bring about positive transformation of the educational system here. The next step is to pray through all that we learned while we were in Gulu. One possible scenario would be for us to move our family to Gulu to start up the Philip Project. Please pray for the Lord to guide and direct all of us in these next steps.

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